Scalable Interfaces for Geometry and Mesh based Applications


Relevant peer-reviewed articles

  • Mahadevan, V. S., Grindeanu, I., Jacob, R., and Sarich, J. 2020. “Improving climate model coupling through a complete mesh representation: a case study with E3SM (v1) and MOAB (v5.x).” Geosci. Model Dev. 13: 2355–2377. DOI.
  • Ray, N., Grindeanu, I., Zhao, X., Mahadevan, V., and Jiao, X. 2017. “Array-based, parallel hierarchical mesh refinement algorithms for unstructured meshes.” Computer-Aided Design 85: 68-82. DOI.
  • Ray, N., Grindeanu, I., Zhao, X., Mahadevan, V., and Jiao, X. 2015. “Array-based hierarchical mesh generation in parallel.” Procedia Engineering 124: 291-303. DOI.
  • Zhao, X., Conley, R., Ray, N., Mahadevan, V. S., and Jiao, X. 2015. “Conformal and non-conformal adaptive mesh refinement with hierarchical array-based half-facet data structures.” Procedia Engineering 124: 304-316. DOI.
  • Cai, S., and Tautges, T. J. 2015. “One-to-one sweeping based on harmonic S-T mappings of facet meshes and their cages.” Engineering with Computers 31: 439-452. DOI.
  • Dyedov, V., Ray, N., Einstein, D., Jiao, X., and Tautges, T. J. 2015. “AHF: array-based half-facet data structure for mixed-dimensional and non-manifold meshes.” Engineering with Computers 31: 389-404. DOI.
  • Mahadevan, V. S., Merzari, E., Tautges, T. J., Jain, R., Obabko, A., Smith, M. A., and Fischer, P. 2014. “High-resolution coupled physics solvers for analysing fine-scale nuclear reactor design problems.” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 372: 20130381. DOI.
  • R. Jain and T. J. Tautges. 2014. “Generating Unstructured Nuclear Reactor Core Meshes in Parallel.” Procedia Engineering 82: 351-363. DOI.
  • Ray, N., Delaney, T., Einstein, D., and Jiao, X. 2014. “Surface remeshing with robust high-order reconstruction.” Engineering with Computers 30: 487-502. DOI.
  • Jacob, R., Krishna, J., Xu, X., Tautges, T. J., Grindeanu, I., Latham, R., Peterson, K., Bochev, P., Haley, M., Brown, D., Brownrigg, R., Shea, D., Huang, W., and Middleton, D. 2013. “ParNCL and ParGAL: Data-parallel Tools for Postprocessing of Large-scale Earth Science Data.” Procedia Computer Science 18: 1245-1254. ISSN 1877-0509. DOI.
  • Yan, M., Jordan, K., Kaushik, D., Perrone, M., Sachdeva, V., Tautges, T. J., and Magerlein, J. 2012. “Coupling a Basin Modeling and a Seismic Code using MOAB.” Procedia Computer Science 9: 986-993. ISSN 1877-050. DOI.
  • Tim D. Bohm, Mohamed E. Sawan, Steve T. Jackson, and Paul P.H. Wilson. 2012. “Detailed Nuclear Analysis of ITER ELM Coils.” Fusion Engineering and Design 87 (5-6):657-661. DOI.
  • T. J Tautges and R. Jain. 2012. “Creating Geometry and Mesh Models for Nuclear Reactor Core Geometries Using a Lattice Hierarchy-Based Approach.” Engineering with Computers 28 (4):319-329. DOI.
  • Paul P. H. Wilson, T. J. Tautges, J. A. Kraftcheck, B. M. Smith, and D. L. Henderson. 2010. “Acceleration Techniques for the Direct Use of CAD-Based Geometry in Fusion Neutronics Analysis.” Fusion Engineering and Design 85 (10-12):1759-1765. DOI.
  • T. J. Tautges and A. Caceres. 2009. “Scalable Parallel Solution Coupling for Multiphysics Reactor Simulation.” Journal of Physics. Conference Series 180:012017. DOI.
  • Tautges, Timothy J., Paul PH Wilson, Jason A. Kraftcheck, Brandon M. Smith, and Douglass L. Henderson. “Acceleration techniques for direct use of CAD-based geometries in Monte Carlo radiation transport.” (2009). DOI.
  • Tautges, T.J. MOAB-SD: integrated structured and unstructured mesh representation. Engineering with Computers 20, 286–293 (2004). DOI.
  • Tautges, T. J., Ernst, C., Stimpson, C., Meyers, R. J., & Merkley, K. (2004). MOAB: a mesh-oriented database (No. SAND2004-1592). Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA (United States). DOI.
  • Tautges, T. J. 2001. “CGM: A Geometry Interface for Mesh Generation, Analysis and Other Applications.” Engineering with Computers 17:299-314. DOI.

Selected conference proceedings

  • P. O’Leary., J. Becker, R. O’Bara, D. Thompson, R. Jain, V. S. Mahadevan, ”Providing a Graphical Tool for Modeling Reactor Cores”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 118 (1), 2018.
  • E. VanderZee, V. S. Mahadevan, I. Grindeanu, ”Open-source advancing front surface meshing for MeshKit”, In proceedings of the 25th International Meshing Roundtable, Washington DC, Sep 2016.
  • X. Zhao, R. Conley, N. Ray, V. S. Mahadevan, X. Jiao, “Conformal and Non-conformal Adaptive Mesh Refinement with Hierarchical Array-based Half-Facet Data Structures”, In proceedings of 24th International Meshing Roundtable (IMR24), Austin, TX, Oct 2015.
  • N. Ray, I. Grindeanu, X. Zhao, V. S. Mahadevan, X. Jiao, “Array-Based Hierarchical Mesh Generation in Parallel”, In proceedings of 24th International Meshing Roundtable (IMR24), Austin, TX, Oct 2015.
  • R. Jain, V. S. Mahadevan, “Simplying Workflow for Reactor Assembly and Full-Core Modeling”, In proceedings of Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation, Nashville, April 2015.
  • V. S. Mahadevan, E. Merzari, I. Grindeanu, ”A glass box coupling methodology for rigorously solving strongly coupled phenomena in nuclear reactors”, Invited, In Proceedings of VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, San Servolo, Venice, Italy, May 2015.
  • R. Jain, V. S. Mahadevan, ”Simplying Workflow for Reactor Assembly and Full-Core Modeling”, In Proceedings of Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation, Nashville, April 2015.
  • R. Jain, T.J. Tautges, “Generating Unstructured Nuclear Reactor Core Meshes in Parallel”, In Proceedings of 23rd International Meshing Roundtable, Oct 2014.
  • C. Lu, X. Zhao, N. Ray, X. Jiao, “Generation of Hierarchical Tetrahedral Meshes with High-Order Projections for Efficient Multigrid Solvers”, In Proceedings of 23rd International Meshing Roundtable, Oct 2014.
  • S. Cai, T.J. Tautges, “Surface Mesh Generation based on Imprinting of S-T Edge Patches”, In Proceedings of 23rd International Meshing Roundtable, Aug 2014.
  • Rajeev Jain, T.J. Tautges, “NEAMS MeshKit: Nuclear Reactor Mesh Generation Solutions”, proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), Charlotte, North Carolina, Apr 2014.
  • R. Jain, T. J. Tautges, “PostBL: Post-mesh Boundary Layer Mesh Generation Tool”, In Proceedings of the 22nd International Meshing Roundtable, Springer International Publishing, 331-348, 2014.
  • V. Dyedov, N. Ray, D.Einstein, X. Jiao, T. Tautges, “AHF: Array-based half-facet data structure for mixed-dimensional and non-manifold meshes”, In Proceedings of 22nd International Meshing Roundtable, Orlando, Florida, October 2013.
  • S. Mohanty, R. Jain, S. Majumdar, T. J. Tautges, M. Srinivasan, “Coupled Field-Structural Analysis of HTGR Fuel Brick Using Abaqus”, International Congress on the Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, June 2012.
  • R. Jain and T. J. Tautges, “Parallel Reactor Geometry (and Mesh) Generator”, International Congress on the Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), Chicago, IL, June 24-28, 2012.
  • T. J Tautges, A. Caceres, R. Jain, H-J Kim, J. A. Kraftcheck, and B. M. Smith. “Coupled Multi-Physics Simulation Frameworks for Reactor Simulation: A Bottom-Up Approach.” In proceedings of M&C 2011: International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, Brazil, May 2011.

Selected talks

  • V.S. Mahadevan, I. Grindeanu, J. Sarich, R. Jacob, ”Accelerating Coupled Climate Simulations Using Efficient Remapping Techniques”, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Seattle, USA, Feb 23–26, 2022.
  • V.S. Mahadevan, I. Grindeanu, J. Sarich, R. Jacob, ”Couplers for E3SM: Comparisons between a fully online vs an offline-online remapping workflow”, invited, Fifth Workshop on Coupling Technologies for Earth System Models, virtual workshop, Sep 23–25, 2020.
  • V.S. Mahadevan, P. Ullrich, ”A Comparison of Different Higher-Order Remapping Schemes in Climate Models”, SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth, virtual conference, Aug 3–14, 2020.
  • V.S. Mahadevan, N. Ray, I. Grindeanu, “FASTMath Unstructured Mesh (MOAB) Solver (PETSc) Interactions”, SIAM CS&E, Salt Lake City, March 2015.
  • N. Ray, X. Zhao, V.S. Mahadevan, X. Jiao, “Efficient Unstructured Mesh Traversal Methods Based on Array-Based Half Facets”, SIAM CS&E, Salt Lake City, March 2015.
  • X. Jiao, N. Ray, C. Lu, X. Zhao, “High-Order Surface Reconstruction with Applications in Parallel Meshing and Finite Element Solvers”, SIAM CS&E, Salt Lake City, March 2015.
  • R. Jain, J. Becker, V. Mahadevan, P. Shriwise, R. O’Bara, I. Grindeanu, “OCC-Based Meshing for RGG Applications Using MeshKit”, SIAM CS&E, Salt Lake City, March 2015.
  • F. M. Hoffman, P.B. Bochev, P.J. Cameron-Smith, R.C. Easter, Jr., S.M. Elliot, S.J. Ghan, I.R. Grindeanu, R.B. Lowrie, D.D. Lucas, V.S. Mahadevan, K.J. Peterson, B. Sacks, M.B. Shrivastava, M.A. Taylor, M. Vertenstein, P.H. Worley, “Applying Computationally Efficient Schemes for BioGeochemical Cycles (ACES4BGC)”, SciDAC-3 PI Meeting, July 2014.
  • I. Grindeanu, D. Wu, R. Jacob, “Parallel Infrastructure in MOAB for Climate Data”, 19th Annual CESM Workshop, Breckenridge, Colorado, June 2014.
  • V. S. Mahadevan, E. Merzari, T. J. Tautges, “SHARP Coupled Multiphysics toolkit for reactor analysis”, invited talk, proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), Charlotte, North Carolina, Apr 2014.
  • V. S. Mahadevan, T. J. Tautges, R. Jain, “Tools Supporting the Assembly of Multiphysics Simulation Codes from Standalone Parallel Physics Codes”, In Proceedings of SIAM Parallel Processing (SIAM PP14), Portland, Oregon, Feb 2014.
  • T. Peterka, T. Tautges, V. Vishwanath, J. Insley, V. Mahadevan, J. Woodring, “Cian Coupling Proxy App: Performance and Accuracy of CESAR Data Coupling”, CESAR Annual Review Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, Dec 2013.
  • R. Jain, T.J. Tautges, I. Grindeanu, C. Verma, S. Cai, and S.A. Mitchell, “MeshKit: an open-source library for mesh generation and meshing algorithm research”, In Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Raleigh, NC, July 2013.
  • T. J. Tautges, V. S. Mahadevan, R. Jain, I. Grindeanu, “Software strategies in multi-physics coupling for reactor simulation and climate applications”, Workshop on Multiscale Modeling and Computing, Leiden, the Netherlands, April 2013.
  • T. Tautges, V. S. Mahadevan, R. Jain, I. Grindeanu, “Interoperable Solution Transfer Tool for Coupled Multi-Physics Simulations”, In Proceedings of SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, February 25 – March 1, 2013, Boston, MA.
  • T. Tautges, V. S. Mahadevan, T. Peterka, “Mesh-based Data and Algorithms across the Simulation Process: anecdotes, activities, and opportunities”, UIUC-Argonne-Inria Joint Lab workshop, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, Nov 2012.


  • I. Grindeanu, V. S. Mahadevan, K. Devine, ”Advanced Partitioning Strategies for Scalable Remapping in Climate Models”, Poster, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, virtual conference, Mar 1–15, 2021.
  • R. Jain, N. Ray, I. Grindeanu, D. Wu, V. S. Mahadevan, “Scalable Mesh Generation for HPC Applications”, Poster In Proceedings of 27th SuperComputing conference, Austin, TX, Nov 15-20, 2015.
  • Vijay Mahadevan, Iulian Grindeanu, Rajeev Jain, Navamita Ray, Danqing Wu, Paul Wilson, “SIGMA: Scalable Interface for Geometry and Mesh Based Applications”, SIAM CS&E, CS&E Software mini-symposterium, Salt Lake City, March 2015.
  • Iulian Grindeanu, Kara Peterson, Vijay Mahadevan, Navamita Ray, Rajeev Jain, “Scalable Advection Algorithms for Multi-Tracers in Climate Codes”, SIAM CS&E, Salt Lake City, March 2015.
  • I. Grindeanu, K.E. Jansen, V. S. Mahadevan, B. Matthews, M. Rasquin, M.S. Shephard, “Unstructured Mesh-Solver interactions”, poster at SciDAC-3 PI meeting, Washington, DC, July 2014.
  • Iulian Grindeanu, Kara Peterson, Timothy J. Tautges, Mark A. Taylor, Patrick H. Worley, “Intersection of Distributed Meshes for Multi-Tracer Transport Schemes”, poster at SciDAC-3 PI Meeting, Washington, DC, July 2014.
  • B. Ball, B. Bihari, K. Devine, L. Diachin, D. Ibanez, K.E. Jansen, J. Jiao, V. Leung, Q. Lu, V. S. Mahadevan, O. Sahni, E.S. Seol, M.S. Shephard, C.W. Smith, P. Wilson, “Unstructured Meshing Techniques”, poster at SciDAC-3 PI meeting, Washington, DC, July 2014.

Technical Reports

  • V. S. Mahadevan, “Coupled Physics Environment library – Design, implementation and release”, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Milestone Technical Report, September 2014.
  • E. Merzari, V. S. Mahadevan, I. Grindeanu, J. Solberg, R. Ferencz, R. Whitesides, “Preliminary Multiphysics Simulations with Online Mesh Deformation”, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Milestone Technical Report, September 2014.
  • R. Jain, V. S. Mahadevan, “MeshKit Release v1.2”, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Milestone Technical Report, September 2014.
  • Jain, Rajeev, Tautges, T. J., “MeshKit”, Report for US DOE, Reactor Campaign, ANL/MCS-TM-336, 2013.
  • A. Bingham, J. Ortensi, R, Jain, I. Grindeanu, T. Tautges. “SHARP/PRONGHORN.” (2012). INL/EXT-12-27171. Idaho National Laboratory (INL), 2012.
  • Tautges, T. J., Meyers, R., Merkley, K., Stimpson, C., and Ernst, C. (2004). MOAB: A mesh-oriented database, SAND2004-1592. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM.


Citing SIGMA tools


  author = {Timothy J. Tautges},
  title = {{CGM: A Geometry Interface for Mesh Generation, Analysis and Other Applications}},
  journal = {Engineering With Computers},
  volume = {17},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {299--314},
  issue = {3},
  doi = {10.1007/PL00013387},
  masid = {732352}


  author       = {Mahadevan, Vijay and
                  Grindeanu, Iulian and
                  Jain, Rajeev and
                  Shriwise, Patrick and
                  Wilson, Paul},
  title        = {MOAB v5.2.1},
  month        = aug,
  year         = 2020,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {5.2.1},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2584862},
  url          = {}

  type        = {{SAND2004-1592}},
  title       = {{MOAB:} A Mesh-Oriented Database},
  institution = {Sandia National Laboratories},
  author      = {Tautges, T. J. and 
                 Meyers, R. and 
                 Merkley, K. and 
                 Stimpson, C. and 
                 Ernst, C.},
  month       = apr,
  year        = {2004},
  note        = {Report}


  year      = {2012},
  issn      = {0177-0667},
  journal   = {Engineering with Computers},
  volume    = {28},
  number    = {4},
  doi       = {10.1007/s00366-011-0236-8},
  title     = {Creating geometry and mesh models for nuclear reactor core geometries using a lattice hierarchy-based approach},
  url       = {},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  keywords  = {Reactor core; Mesh generation; Lattice-based geometry},
  author    = {Tautges, Timothy J. and 
               Jain, Rajeev},
  pages     = {319-329}

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