Portfolio Climate models Cubed sphere global mesh, resolution ne30, refined 4 times over the continental USAZoom in on polygonal ocean mesh around Florida straits, 60 km resolutionOcean mesh distributed with Zoltan recursive coordinate bisection method, gnomonic projection option, on 1800 tasks. Mesh has 235160 polygonal cells, variable resolution, 30 to 60 kmocean mesh distributed with Zoltan, for 1800 tasks with gnomonic projectionLand domain global mesh, resolution 0.5 degrees ( 720x360 ) Nuclear reactor models VHTR 1/6th core model1/6th VHTR core model in STARCCM+. It takes < 10mins to generate this model from scratch on a Linux workstation.199 Assembly Homogenized ABTR Core Viewed Using RGG Nuclear GUI199 Assembly Homogenized ABTR Core visualized using RGG Nuclear GUI developed in collaboration with Kitware. The official downloads for Windows/OSX can be found here.XX09 AssemblyXX09 assembly model containing conical pins, clad, fuel, bond sodium, fission gas and other details1/4th PWR benchmark assembly1/4th PWR benchmark assembly consisting of 11,000 volumes takes 25mins and 0.9GB of RAM on a Linux workstation.An example of a nuclear reactor core mesh generated using RGG. Urban models Urban Modeling Tool Input. Website: http://geojson.io/ can be used to visualize the original input to tool. The geojson or building shape is used to model the building footprints of Navy Pier and closeby buildings.Conformal hexahedral mesh of Lake Point Tower, building 500 and atmosphere.Geometry of Lake Point Tower, building 500 and atmosphereUrban Modeling: Complement of buildings added for Urban LES airflow simulations.Navy Pier and surrounding buildingsFour-block test area in Chicago Loop (central business district) bounded by JAdams, Dearborn, Monroe, and Clark