Scalable Interfaces for Geometry and Mesh based Applications


Access to sources

SIGMA tools are open-source and are current hosted as git repositories at Bitbucket. The latest SIGMA release version is v1.3.0. If you are using an older version, we request our users to upgrade immediately.

General configure/build/install instructions

The standard way to keep up to date with the tools is to obtain the sources from the git repositories and syncing the local working copy regularly. If you want to work with stable releases, you could switch to the appropriate tags of the latest versions.

  1. To get the code from the Bitbucket repository, use the command appropriately for <package>=[moab, cgm, lasso, meshkit]
    git clone<package>.git <package>
  2. Change to the <package> subdirectory.
  3. Generate the configure script (you need autoconf tools: autoconf, aclocal, libtool, automake):
    autoreconf -fi
  4. Choose to configure/build either in-source or out-of-source (recommended)
  5. Run configure command with appropriate options. To see a list of available options, use
    ./configure --help
  6. Build the sources:
    make all
  7. Verify the build:
    make check
  8. Install the built sources:
    make install

    This will install the <package> include files and libraries in include/ and lib/ subdirectories below the prefix directory input to the configure script (which is /usr/local by default; change with the –prefix=INSTALL_DIR during configure).

For specific build instructions and dependencies for <package>, refer to appropriate links at the top of the page. If you have further questions regarding the configuration, build or installation process, you can email <package>[email protected].

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